Mastering AI for Developers

In this workshop, you’ll learn the key principles for working responsibly with AI in an organization and explore how AI can enhance coding practices and developer workflows.

AI-enabled Developers

We offer a customized hands-on workshop designed to explore how AI can empower developers within Agile teams. The workshop will cover how to integrate AI tools into daily workflows to enhance productivity and efficiency. The video featuring Kristian Dupont serves as an introduction to the workshop, providing a preview of the topics we offer to dive deeper into during a workshop session.


Video content

We have invited Kristian Dupont, an experienced developer, speaker, and creator of publicly available software tools, to share insights and use cases for AI beyond just “advanced autocomplete” and review assistants. Together, we investigate how AI can be applied to various development practices, from code design and refactoring to DevOps.

Topics Covered:

  • Principles of Responsible and Effective AI
  • Use Cases for AI in Development
  • The Future of AI in Development

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