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Leading SAFe® 6.0 - SAFe Agilist certification (SA)

This Leading SAFe® 6.0 class gives you the knowledge to lead an enterprise agile transformation using the Scaled Agile Framework.
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During this two-day course, attendees gain the knowledge necessary to lead a Lean-Agile enterprise by leveraging the SAFe Scaled Agile Framework™  and its underlying principles derived from Lean, systems thinking, Agile development, product development flow, and DevOps.

Participants in the class gain insights into mastering Business Agility in order to thrive in the competitive market. They discuss how to establish the team and technical agility and organize and re-organize around the flow of value. They also learn and practice the skills for supporting and executing PI Planning events and coordinating multiple Agile Release Trains (ARTs). Participants in the class explore the importance of adopting a customer-centric mindset and design thinking approach to agile product delivery. Learners also develop an understanding of implementing a Lean Portfolio Management function in their enterprise.



To perform the role of a SAFe® Agilist, attendees should be able to:
  • Understand the Seven Core Competencies of the Lean Enterprise
  • Become a Lean-thinking manager-teacher
  • Apply the values and principles of a Lean-Agile Mindset
  • Apply SAFe’s Lean and Agile principles to the roles and practices of SAFe
  • Create high-performing teams by establishing mission and purpose
  • Lead the transformation with the SAFe Implementation Roadmap
  • Support PI Planning and the events associated with successful Program execution
  • Drive Release on Demand with the Continuous Delivery Pipeline
  • Establish alignment and execution with Strategic Themes and Lean Portfolio Management
  • Coordinate multiple Agile Release Trains and suppliers with a Solution Train

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  • Introducing the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
  • Becoming a Lean-Agile Leader
  • Establishing Team and Technical Agility
  • Experiencing Program Increment (PI) Planning
  • Releasing on Demand with DevOps
  • Building Business Solutions and Lean Systems
  • Implementing Lean Portfolio Management
  • Leading the transformation


  • Two days of high quality instruction from a Scaled Agile accredited SPC and Leading SAFe trainer.
  • Scaled Agile “SAFe Agilist 6.0” certification.
  • One-year membership to the SAFe Community Platform.  This means you will have access to your learning plan and Community Platform assets for an entire year, regardless if you take and pass your certification exam. HOWEVER – If you are taking your second course or more, your membership will not be extended.


The Leading SAFe course is aimed at executives, managers, consultants, coaches and Agile change agents responsible for leading a Lean & Agile change initiative in a large enterprise.


Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - Thursday, August 22, 2024 2024
Time: 08:30 - 17:00
Price: kr.9.900,00 – kr.11.500,00
Nomad Workspace
Blegdamsvej 6 2200 København N, Denmark




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  • If you register for a class be aware that VAT will be added to the price above. EU delegates may recover the VAT depending on their circumstances.
  • For potential attendees outside Denmark; Please reach out if you have any questions regarding the additional VAT costs at checkout. Email:


Heidi Kristensen blends technical expertise and leadership to scale agile practices while maintaining core values and driving business agility

Heidi was one of the first to introduce scrum in the banking industry almost two decades ago. Followed by acknowledging the need for scaling agile and doing so without compromising the agile values.
With a technical background combined with a vast amount of leadership experience in Large Enterprises, Heidi has an eye for what it takes to achieve business agility. How to implement the changes required to help Businesses succeed and People to thrive.

Heidi Hewison

Heidi Hedegaard Kristensen

Business Agility Coach and SAFe® Program Consultant (SPC)

"I liked training with Heidi, she is very open and can bring both knowledge and positive energy

Maria Bakshinskayte

Junior Consultent, Monsterlab

"Heidi explains really well, keeps participants engaged and motivated, shares a lot from her own experience, and is just a very nice person 🙂

Mette Johansen

Danske Bank

Looking for more than just another Agile class?

Then you’ve found the right place. We want to take Agile training to the next level and believe that effective learning should be just as fun, interactive and inspiring as serious business and hard work. We’ve created a space, which is designed to meet the high expectations from our driven, creative trainers and consultants, and for you to feel comfortable, almost like home.

Watch this video for more information.

Thank you for being such wonderful hosts – absolutely fantastic environment (+ delicious food) to support the learnings.- Sending my husband to the course asap!

Mia Golan


The Agile Manifesto – 20 years later

In February 2001, the Agile Manifesto was published. In this post, we look at where the agile mindset actually changed the world and where we are today.

Agile kontrakter

Agile kontrakter giver kunde og leverandør et økonomisk incitament til at samarbejde og nå effektivt i mål, og de stiller en række krav til begge parter.

Leading SAFe® - 6.0 SAFe Agilist (SA) - The course forms the basis for managing an enterprise agile transformation with SAFe
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Leading SAFe
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